As part of the activities planned by our wage increases / Colleagues were struck and threatened with impunity by the mob UOCRA union without the benefit of the government action to prevent this. We
information through the Provincial Secretary ADOSAC, Pedro Muñoz, teachers who are hospitalized, and among them a very difficult partner blows to the head and jaw.
denounce the political responsibility of the governor of Santa Cruz Peralta, who days ago said publicly that other workers would come to support it "demand that the investigation and prosecution of those responsible for this act and to respond immediately to all claims from has long been making peers. A day
commemorate the brutal assassination of Carlos Fuentealba, once again we see that violence is the only answer offered to the legitimate demands of workers.
do not want more repression.
not want to see again the chalk stained with blood.
We want a wage commensurate with our needs and conditions of teaching and learning worthy.
We support and accompany their struggle and feel part of it, we sympathize and CTERA exiginmos also assume a real leadership role in domestic disputes away and back of it.
Also the national government requires urgent investigation on the gang of UOCRA and the provincial government.
also expressed that:
Driving Ctera national government agreed to a joint that was a poverty wage for many provinces. In this context
solved the beginning of classes and to ensure 180 days, although in some provinces was not resolved the conflict over wages, again repeating its policy of isolating the fighting. Today
Santa Cruz teachers demand better wages, with the obstacles to the national and joint delivery of wage for many provinces
not enough to condemn and demand that "the government clarify the unfortunate event" to this point everyone in Santa Cruz know that it is the government that enabled this to happen. Ctera
's role should be different. We have killed a teacher for 4 years and with absolute responsibility of political power.
The Ctera can not continue serving in the national capital, so far from national realities, and so close to political interests that are alien to the workers. His duty is to articulate the demands and struggles from North to South.
This is our demand and we will certainly say ,
Ctera that urgently organize a nationwide strike.
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